Final Year Project Showcase

Final Year Project Showcase
Year 2023-2024
Performance Improvement and Network Optimization of CityU Metaverse
Subject Areas
Computer Networking, Software Engineering, Virtual Reality
The objective of this project is to improve the current CityU Metaverse application to allow it to be more usable, scalable, and have lower hardware requirements. Since the target user of the system is students and teaching staff, hardware requirements and network quality (bandwidth/stability) requirements should not be too high to facilitate remote learning, low-end learning computers etc.
The current iteration of the CityU Metaverse system is generally usable, but there are multiple problems with its performance, namely: 1. The application takes a long time to load initially. 2. Hardware requirement to run the application is high. 3. A very stable network internet connection with decent bandwidth is required. These problems can be solved using CS techniques in VR and networking. For example, map streaming technology with dynamic Level of Details could be implemented to improve load time and frame rates. Other technologies, such as designing a proprietary server-client communication system can also be explored to help improve the performance and scalability of the system. This project is very suitable as a group project. Since other members, who work on other subsystems for the CityU Metaverse, rely on a solid foundation of the program to enable advanced features, regular communication with them and working together to create functioning and performant demos is necessary.
Designing a Social VR for Playful Social Interactions in Museums
Subject Areas
Game Development, Virtual Reality
To create a social virtual reality museum that is engaging and accessible to youths from low-resourced regions.; To design 3D models, shaders, and art that accurately represent the artifacts and buildings of Ancient Babylon.; To foster socialization and peer-to-peer learning in a virtual museum environment.; To evaluate the effectiveness of the VR museum in achieving its educational and social objectives.
This project aims to design and develop a social virtual reality application that will allow youths to socialize in a VR-based museum and engage with historical artifacts while interacting meaningfully with their peers. The target demographic for this project is youths from low-resourced regions who do not have access to high-quality museums. The virtual reality environment will enable these youths to interact with cultural heritage in museums through advanced VR technologies. The project will also provide opportunities for youths who are familiar with the artifacts and exhibits in the museum to serve as volunteers and guide and interact with their peers from low-resourced communities.
Designing a social VR for playful social interactions in museums
Subject Areas
Human Computer Interface, Virtual Reality
To design and develop a social VR application that enables youths to socialize and interact meaningfully in a VR-based museum environment.; To create a virtual reality environment that allows users to engage with historical artifacts and exhibits in a playful and interactive way.; To provide opportunities for youths from low-resourced regions to engage with cultural heritage in museums through advanced VR technologies.
This project aims to design and develop a social virtual reality application that will allow youths to socialize in a VR-based museum and engage with historical artifacts while interacting meaningfully with their peers. The target demographic for this project is youths from low-resourced regions who do not have access to high-quality museums. The virtual reality environment will enable these youths to interact with cultural heritage in museums through advanced VR technologies. The project will also provide opportunities for youths who are familiar with the artifacts and exhibits in the museum to serve as volunteers and guide and interact with their peers from low-resourced communities.
Automated Homework Marking Web Application using OpenAI GPT Model
Subject Areas
Artificial Intelligence, Innovative Technology for Education, Web Development
To implement OCR technology for interpreting handwritten homework accurately; To incorporate the OpenAI GPT model for automated homework grading; To provide an interface where teachers can set marking standards to guide the automated marking process; To provide analytics and performance tracking for teachers to track individual and class-wide progress over time, allowing them to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions for future lessons; To provide feedbacks that provides teachers with insights into students' homework performance.
In the modern educational framework, teachers face a myriad of responsibilities, one of the most time-consuming being homework marking. This project aims to develop an Automated Homework Marking Web Application that leverages the OpenAI GPT model to enable teachers to automate the marking of handwritten homework such as essay-type questions and composition homework. The proposed system will allow teachers to upload students' homework, which the system will interpret and mark automatically based on predetermined standards. It will also provide feedback about students' performance. This web application would not only save teachers time and effort but also ensure that the marking process is consistent and enhance the overall efficiency of the learning ecosystem.
Mobile-based Logistics System
Using a Computer-Based Logistics Management System (LMS) platform to administrate and streamline package pickup-and-delivery processes has been one of the relevant trends in the logistics industry in Hong Kong SAR with the motivation to save considerable expenses and enhance user experience in logistics operations. While several corporate and individual developers endeavored to implement such a system, objective reviews indicate those systems often face deficiencies and challenges, including a lack of application stability, robustness, real-time visibility, planning efficiency, and user-friendliness. This work presents a holistic system design and algorithmic discussion regarding the existing solutions to the path-finding problem, the cube-packing problem, and the object dimensions measurement problem in the logistics context. Results establish an improved LMS named Dandelion based on a realistic Hong Kong map, managing package pickup-and-delivery processes related to multi-recipient and multi-delivery personnel in warehouse-to-recipient delivery and peer-to-peer delivery models with real-time deliverer visibility and partially automated package auditing. The contribution of this project involves demonstrating the application of modern software design architecture and on-device real-time edge computation related to pathfinding, location tracking, and object recognition. Meanwhile, the project proposed a blockchain-based financial system with consumable and convertible tokens to incentivize logistics stakeholders’ migration to Dandelion. This project also proposed a performance comparison of alternative approaches regarding the path-finding problem and the cube-packing problem, and to the best of the author’s knowledge, a novel no-frills binary-stack-tree-based heuristic to approach the cube-packing problem. The project expects to facilitate logistic services' stakeholders' experiences and reduce logistics operational costs while providing experience for subsequent LMS developers.
Fair Division of Individual Item For Agents With Relationship Constrain
Over the past decade, the fair allocation problem has been one of the central research topics in discrete optimization and algorithm mechanism design. In previous work, a mechanism was designed to obtain an allocation approximated to some notions, such as proportional and envy-free, for groups of agents with utility. In this project, I will extend the cases to groups of agents with the chore and prove the cases is NPC, find the algorithm and approximated mechanism.
The algorithm to infer cell type fractions from the bulk data
In this project, a machine learning algorithm to predict multiple cell type fractions from the bulk data will be developed.
Alignment of Single-cell Data with Missing Type Imputation
Acceptable alignment outcome; Higer understanding of omics data in different spatial and geometry.
Virtual Validation and Optimization Platform for Real-Time Autonomous Driving Systems
Subject Areas
Embedded System Optimization, Real-time Programming
Develop a virtual validation and optimization platform for autonomous driving systems; Provide a simulation environment for testing and optimizing autonomous driving systems and algorithms; Ensure safe and efficient validation and optimization of autonomous driving systems before deployment.
Autonomous driving systems are at the forefront of technological advancement and are poised to revolutionize the transportation industry. These systems have the potential to significantly reduce road accidents, save lives, and provide an efficient and convenient mode of transportation. The development of autonomous driving systems requires extensive testing and validation to ensure the safety and reliability of these systems. This final year project aims to develop a virtual validation and optimization platform for autonomous driving systems. The platform will provide a simulation environment for testing and optimizing autonomous driving systems and algorithms, allowing for safe and efficient validation and optimization before deployment. This project is interesting as it provides an opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology and contribute to the development of safe and reliable autonomous driving systems. Furthermore, the development of a virtual validation and optimization platform will provide valuable insights and practical solutions to real-world problems in the field of autonomous driving. This project is based on an existing platform developed by the supervisor's research group. This existing platform provides a solid foundation for the development of the virtual validation and optimization platform for autonomous driving systems. Building upon this existing platform allows for a more efficient and effective development process, while also ensuring that the final product is compatible with the latest research and advancements in the field of autonomous driving. By leveraging the expertise and resources of the supervisor's research group, this project has the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of autonomous driving and provide valuable insights for future research and development.
Elderly Drug Management System
The phenomenon of population aging is becoming serious. Therefore, more elderly require care and support. However, most of the elderly in care homes are required to take several medication. In the case of needing to dispense medication for multiple elderly residents in a are home, human errors can easily occur. The Drug Management system uses medication recognition technology to help reduce the risk of dispensing the wrong medication and improve efficiency in recording the medication adherence of the elderly.
An Innovative Serious Game of Online Community Issues
The project is a serious game which is about online community issues. The project aims to display the features of online community issues to the public and draw their attention to these issues. The serious game is designed to be a side-scrolling game. Players need to play an Internet investigator and fight against the spread of fake news by collecting evidence from various sections of the online community and ultimately defeating the enemy who manipulates fake news. The purpose of the project is to make players realize through the gameplay that combating fake news is difficult, but only by continuously taking action to uncover the truth can eliminate fake news. The game is developed by Unity 2D using C# language. The final outcome of the project is a complete, implementable Unity2D game that is available for players to play.
Evaluate the Performance of Financial KOLs using Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Subject Areas
Sentiment Analysis
Establish a systematic data collection and processing mechanism to automatically aggregate posts from a predetermined list of KOLs; Develop a sentiment analysis system capable of gaining insights into the underlying attitudes from the gathered posts; Construct a reliability analysis system by assessing the consistency between actual fluctuations in the stock market and the predictions.
In today's digital landscape, the rise of social media platforms has fostered the emergence of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) across various domains, particularly within the financial sector. These KOLs are influential figures trusted by specific interest groups, wield significant sway over the attitudes and decisions of their audiences. Operating on platforms like Twitter and YouTube, financial KOLs disseminate real-time market analysis, offering insights and predictions that can shape the actions of retail investors. However, the reliability of these opinions is not always guaranteed, posing challenges for investors seeking accurate guidance amidst a plethora of conflicting viewpoints and potential biases. To address this issue, we propose a multi-modal system designed to track the performance of financial influencers and rank them based on reliability. Our project aims to automate the aggregation of KOL posts, conduct sentiment analysis to decipher underlying attitudes, and assess the consistency of predictions with actual market fluctuations. By providing data-driven rankings, our system offers retail investors insights valuable to inform their investment decisions. Focusing on English-speaking financial KOLs and fine-tuning the pre-trained SMART-RoBERTa-Large model for sentiment analysis, our approach strives to overcome data limitations while delivering actionable insights to empower investors in navigating the complex financial landscape.
Year 2022-2023
Smart Face Mask for Facial Expression Recognition
Under the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common for one to wear mask in the daily life. In this project, we will develop a smart face mask using off-the-shelf sensors and soft circuit. We will use this prototype of smart mask to capture the signals induced by different human facial expression, and develop and experiment different machine-learning methods to classify different facial expression. The work of this project include: developing the hardware prototype, collecting the dataset, and implementing the classification algorithms.
CityU Metaverse - 3D Object and Texture Mapping
In a metaverse, 3D objects and environments are essential to the senses of the metaverse. The quality and quantity of the construction of 3D objects can be time and labor-consuming, as the traditional method is to create the object one by one. As a result, developers often reuse the same object in the virtual world which made many items look and feel the same which reduces the sense of reality in such a virtual world. Especially for a large project like building a metaverse, creating all 3D objects manually is not feasible. This project aims to recreate the CityU in the most effective ways, like via phone image or LiDi scan. And use post-processing for background and object to create the virtual world. The methodology of the creation of 3D objects and environments via camera and LiDar will be investigated. And enhance the scan-produced object quality and cohesiveness with the metaverse with texture mapping.
Building a Generic, Accessible, and Easy-to-adapt Front-end Client for End-to-End Encrypted Communication Systems with Metadata Privacy
Although end-to-end encryption has dramatically improved communication content privacy, communication metadata can still reveal much private information about the users, such as who communicates with whom and when and how much they communicate. Existing metadata hiding systems face the challenge that limited user volume will explicitly reveal the user group, which makes metadata hiding nearly meaningless. To tackle this problem, we propose a browser extension based front-end client compatible with existing metadata hiding systems, which can greatly increase the effective users to the back-end metadata hiding system.
How Metaverse impacts Education and Teaching
Subject Areas
Computer in Education; Human Computer Interface; Innovative Technology for Education; Multimedia Technologies for Electronic Learning; Virtual Reality
To investigate how metaverse affects teaching and learning; To compare the effectiveness of education with metaverse and traditional teaching methods; To look into how metaverse can be implemented as a part of teaching
The metaverse has become a trending topic recently. Metaverse is a multiuser post-reality universe that users can experience and interact with digital artifacts in real time. According to Koc-Januchta, MM(2019), visual cognitive learning style correlates with a better learning outcome. As metaverse allows users to be immersed in a virtual world filled with a wide range of multimedia, it could allow for more effective learning. As Schlemmer, E., & Backes, L. (2014) mentioned, metaverse breaks new ground for learning, as being inside a carefully curated virtual world provokes the thought process of how to learn in a new context. In an age where digital learning is an inevitable part of education, this project intends to discover how the metaverse impacts education and teaching, and what metaverse means for the future of education.
Speed and Accuracy Determination from Paper Handwritings
Handwriting skills of a person usually determined by it's speed and accuracy. In order to determine these factor, a device must be used to collect a person's handwriting into digital information. Using typical tablet with pen is not ideal as using digital pen to write on a tablet screen has a totally different handwriting sensation compared with writing on paper. Hence, using typical tablet is different from writing on paper. To address this issue, a tablet that could clipped with paper can be used to capture a person's handwriting while keeping the handwriting sensation. These paper clipping tablet allows user to write on paper and capture the handwriting into digital information simultaneously. This project aims to develop a application for a paper clipping tablet to determine a user's speed and accuracy for English handwriting and Chinese handwriting, where the accuracy is determined by character/alphabet recognition and speed is determined by the calculation of word per minute from the handwriting capturing.
Molecular Graph Generation using a Deep Learning Model
Subject Areas
Artificial Intelligence; Bioinformatics; Data Science; Machine Learning
To examine common features of molecular graphs, and determine some known patterns and rules that govern their behaviour; To determine a proper approach to represent the molecule graph data, as well as the model architecture; To achieve a good performance with a deep learning model
Recent developments in the areas of data science and computing have allowed us to create increasingly complex and advanced ML models, enabling us to tackle important challenges in different areas of science. A prominent area of development, in the past few years, has been biochemistry, with models for molecular graph generation enabling easier evaluation and examination of potential drugs. One of the most important problems in drug discovery is determining the molecular structure and arrangement, as the structure defines the chemical properties of drug molecules, determining which other compounds it can interact with, and in what way. Development in this area has huge potential to help in development of new medication, and improve the lives of many by improving the accuracy and speed of drug examination, making drugs cheaper and more effective. Inspired by the recent developments in flow-based generative models, an architecture based on the principles of generative adversarial network (GAN) combined with a flow-based approach would be proposed, to possibly allow for both an adversarial and an MLE-based approach to training. It would be used to predict the molecular graph, and determine its configuration.
Blood Type Distributions and Its Relationships to Society Development
Blood types are known for its correlations to host personalities. The personality correlations can impact on society structures and its developments. We conjecture that country-wide blood type distributions are correlated to different country society development measures such as GDP and divorce rates. In this project, we wish to conduct a data science project with a focus on country-wide blood typing.
Travel Back to the Past - Reality Virtualization
Subject Areas
Computer Graphics; Computer Vision; Human Computer Interface; Machine Learning; Virtual Reality
To design and develop an easy-to-implement scene scanning assembly line project; To save the realistic scene of the current moment for various uses; To design algorithms to improve scene accuracy and interaction and enhance user experience
Because we cannot get back to the past time, the memory of the past time becomes valuable. The recent development of VR and 3D representation techniques, we can have a chance of preserving the scene of what is happening now and making them as valuable historical data provided for future generations.We hope to obtain and input the 3D scene data that can be reached within a specific range in some way. Through these data, we can calculate and generate the corresponding object model that can run in a VR environment, and finally enable users to visit the scene in this environment. On this basis, we also pay attention to user experience, so we hope to add the interaction between people and objects, sound effects, light effects, and feeling in the scene to increase the effect of immersive experience based on the above description. Through the realization of the above operations, a scene collected in the corresponding historical period can be constructed. The preservation of the scene is conducive to promoting cultural exchange now and preserving the historical appearance in the future.
Understanding Online Civic Participation in Gender-related Controversy: A Psycholinguistic Approach
Modern feminists utilize social media for various activities, while the Internet incurs opposite views. Prior work has explored feminist practices in computer-mediated social interfaces and online activism for social justice. However, less investigated how the public, especially grassroots feminists, participates on social media in discussing gender-related social controversy in a non-Western context. I chose the dichotomized debate around the Tangshan beating incident in China as the case to explore the characteristics of user participation and the psychological status during online collective actions.
Quantitative analysis was used to approach the questions. I first fine-tuned a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers-based (BERT-based) text classifier to classify the posts into three groups: (1) Crime-related, (2) Gender-related, and (3) Irrelevant or Ineffective. Each of the groups represents the content as well as the perspective is taken when viewing the Tangshan incident. Then I examined users’ temporal participation and how they posted content in different categories. After describing the landscape, I moved to a comprehensive analysis of user psychological characteristics based on the posts. Lastly, I examined their correlations to post volume to understand better the key factors associated with the popularity of online discussions.
The classification results suggest that the two most common perspectives: the Crime-related and Gender-related were equal in size but smaller when compared to the Irrelevant and Ineffective posts. Examination of user participation indicates that for each day, new users contributed to a much larger portion of online discussion than continuing users who posted before. I found that Crime-related posts showed more analytic thinking than Gender-related posts, which were more authentic and used more personal pronouns and words of social processes. I also compared different temporal trends of these features across content categories. Last but not least, I demonstrated the considerable predictability of LIWC features, especially since words related to emotional expressions were highly associated with the volume of online discussion. The findings echo prior work on networked online collective actions where participants seek to connect and construct affiliation and that emotions rather than cognitions greatly intensify online activities.
By conducting this research on Chinese online activism, we better understand the characteristics of such collective actions. Thus, we can better guide and support future online civic participation in social justice issues to reach its maximal potential of creating an equal and equitable society.
Year 2021-2022
Enhanced American Sign Language Recognition System
Subject Areas
3D Human Motion Analysis and Retrieval; Algorithms; Internet of things; Machine Learning; Mobile Computing
To understand the working principle of similar wearable systems and study the current technical difficulties; To explore areas to be optimized, put forward suggestions for improvement, and put them into practice; To develop a complete end-to-end application system product; To test the effectiveness of the improvements on our own system.
The wearable device based sign language recognition system plays a crucial role in the daily communication between people with disabilities and other ordinary people. A product that can quickly configure and accurately translate words is the goal people pursue. However, the current products or scientific research projects in related fields have more or fewer shortcomings, either because the customer samples that need to be collected are too complicated and the configuration time is too long, or because they only focus on a specific step for improvement. This project aims to study the common problems of existing products and improve sign language recognition system performance on wearable devices through our analysis and improvement measures. Finally, a complete set of end-to-end sign language recognition systems will be developed on smartphones or related devices, hoping to provide greater convenience to the daily life of people with disabilities in the future.
Oil Price Prediction
Time-series data prediction is a challenging task. Time-series prediction on economic data is even harder due to the complicated relation of different parties and factors in reality. In this project, the author developed a method for oil price prediction using information from the news. The author assumes events, especially geopolitical events, that happened in the past cause impact on traders and other stakeholders of oil futures and change oil prices. In particular, sentiment and the topic of news are chosen as the perspectives of studying the problem with the above assumption. As the deliverable, a hybrid model of Linear Regression and Gate Recurrent Units with STL decomposition is proposed for the task.
A VR-based virtual golf course system for training
Subject Areas
Human Computer Interface; Software Engineering; Virtual Reality
To utilize software engineering techniques to build a golf training system for training professional golf players based on actual golf courses; To measure and examine the effectiveness of the system to complement existing methods of golf training
High costs and the lack of available golf courses have been a barrier for entry for a lot of people willing to familiarize themselves into the world of golfing. As a result, people have resorted into indoor golf solutions and mini-golf courses, which have been increasing in popularity over the recent years. Current indoor golf training solutions in the market involve simulated golf environments with projectors detecting golf ball swings. However, in a professional setting, such system would not suffice as it would not allow players to be able to walk around and familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the golf course. This project aims to build a VR-based virtual golf course system for training to complement existing solutions in the market. By using 3D scans of actual golf courses, the system would be able to emulate the golf courses such that players are able to experience a lifelike golf environment.
Reddit Sentiment Index: Stock Price Movement Prediction with Valence Aware Dictionary Sentiment Reasoner
Quantitative Trading is one of the most successful strategy for not only retail investors, but also institutional investors. With the help of mathematical and statistical models, finding out opportunities to maximize gain and minimize lost within a period of time. Although this might sound promising, and its relative risk factor is low comparing to blatantly purchasing stocks. Stocks price movement are random and unpredictable, even with the most sounding fundamental analysis and technical analysis from experts.
Supporting Immersive Viewer Engagement with Virtual YouTubers
Since late 2016, the public launch of virtual influencers foreshadows sensation soon after its release, receiving critical acclaim worldwide. Recently, one of the remarkable VTuber, Kizuna AI was selected as one of Asia's top 60 influencers. This highlights the potentiality of this field with the advancements of skyrocketing technology. Influenced by the big market share of ACGN (anime, comic, game, novel) culture, Vtubers' behaviors are more acceptable than real-person YouTubers. Many audiences are motivated to engage with virtual Youtubers (VTubers) as they would like to interact with favorite anime characters. In consequence, VTubers can provide relaxation and entertainment for viewers. Yet, a higher sense of distance is found between viewers and virtual avatars contrary to the variety of video genres in traditional streamers. Whereas VTubing has limited genre and content diversity under its performing style, Nakanohitos can hardly build unintuitive content under identity management. These directly affect the performance and quality of VTubing. This bottleneck leaves unsolved consequences for supporting immersive viewer engagement with VTuber. This paper proposes a novel design in creating agents to share the workload of Nakanohitos and an innovative user interface in virtual reality. Significantly, possible measurements and functionalities in virtual live streaming are designed for assisting the management of characters' persona in order to match the viewers' expectations.
Deep-learning and AI based Financial Portfolio and Stock Predictions
This Fintech project is an integrated smart investing platform to streamline and automate the business operation with an intelligent investment portfolio advisor for Financial Institutions and individual investors. The platform makes user behavior & preferences understandable and smart investing at very low cost, automated, secure and transparent. The aim is to make sophisticated financial advisory services.
A Comparative Study of BGRU and GAN for Stock Market Forecasting in dual regions
Subject Areas
Data Science; Deep learning; Stock markets
To evaluate and compare the models' daily stock close price prediction accuracy of the respective market; To evaluate whether the transfer learning can also be applied to the trained Hong Kong market models and United States market models by evaluating the respective prediction result of forecasting the opposites' daily close price of the selected stocks
Stock market forecasting is always a challenging problem in academia. Different research state that the stock-prediction deep learning models have a significantly improved accuracy compared with machine learning and traditional statistic models. To further evaluate the forecasting performance of the deep learning models, this project employs the state-of-the-art deep learning models in academia, including bi-directional Gated recurrent unit (BGRU) and Generative adversarial network (GAN) with Long short-term memory (LSTM) and Convolutional neural network (CNN), trained separately with Hong Kong stock data and the United States stock data to predict the future stock price. This project also conducts a comparative study to evaluate the respective performance and accuracy in forecasting the stock prices in Hong Kong and the United States market with orthodox metrics, including Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The evaluation results reveal that the BGRU models outperform the GAN models, and the models trained with the United States stock data have higher generalizability than those trained with Hong Kong stock data, consequently implying that the models trained with US stock data have a higher ability to predicts the stock closing price in different regions.
Academic and Formal Writing Style Rewriter
The academic writing style taught in colleges and universities aims to assist scholars and students in communicating precisely. On the other hand, the formal writing style has wider application scenarios in business and industry. This project proposed a new task to rewrite informal sentences in a formal style with academic writing features. To finish this task, a new corpus GYAFC-academic dataset is generated and utilized in the training process. Through using transformer model and warm-starting mechanisms, the proposed models perform well in style transfer accuracy and outperform the benchmark models by a significant margin in terms of grammar accuracy.
Data Valuation in Machine Learning and Federated Learning
Federated learning is a promising framework to collect the dispersed data and train a collaborative machine learning model. Incentive mechanisms are thus introduced to motivate clients to contribute data in the context of federated learning. To facilitate these mechanisms, data valuation is a state-of-the-art solution to measure clients' data quality for the payoff fairly. However, it suffers from high overheads of computation and communication. In this project, a round-based data valuation (RDV) approach is proposed to estimate data quality with efficiency. Besides, it helps to train better-performing models.
A Game Generator for Sliding Puzzles
Subject Areas
Intelligent System; Game Generator; Optimal Algorithms
To propose a pivotal algorithm for generating the corresponding game codes; To develop a game framework for defining game logic of several sliding puzzles; To generate an image interpreter for processing the image input.
A sliding puzzle, or sliding block game, is a very interesting and challenging game. It requires players to move one block horizontally or vertically without overlapping or crossing the game board in each step. The main target is to use as few steps as possible to reach an end configuration. However, little work pays attention to developing an intelligent and compatible system that can automatically generate a series of sliding puzzles. In this project, a novel game generator for sliding puzzles is designed and implemented, producing different types of complex sliding puzzles with optimal solutions. Overall, plenty of methods and techniques are utilized, including the multi-source Breadth-First Search, fast hash operations, and image processing. As a result, a powerful game generator is achieved for generating three kinds of complex sliding puzzles with optimal solutions, i.e., Kltoski, 15-puzzle, and Sokoban. Besides, a complete search on Klotski is successfully carried out, generating the most complicated Klotski puzzle games. It allows users to design and produce diverse sliding puzzles by processing and reading information from pictorial or text inputs. It is also scalable to create many other categories of sliding puzzles automatically.
Visualization for Spatial Transcriptomics Data
Subject Areas
Spatial Transcriptomics; Bioinformatics Visualization; Single-Cell Studies; Web-Based Visualization
To serve as a novel example of web-base visualization applications based on the language TypeScript; To provide substantial analysis power and better flexibility for observing and analyzing spatial transcriptomics data and become a good aid for genomic research.
Spatial Transcriptomics is a series of novel methods that enable transcriptomes' quantitative spatial analyses in individual tissue sections. Although there exist several tools and packages now for spatial transcriptomics data, a platform that can have functionalities of better flexibility is in demand to satisfy the analytic needs of biological research. This project develops a novel online tool to display and examine spatial transcriptomic data. It creates comprehensive modules for the interactions and customizations of spatial transcriptomic data visualization. The visualization modules built include a correlation plot, 2-D and 3-D embedding maps, a U-map, a correlation plot, a violin plot, and a deconvolution plot. the actual visualization power of these modules in existing transcriptomics research projects. It also features visualizations of ten datasets as an output of this project, including tissue slices from distinctive organs such as the human brain or the mouse kidney.
Application of Machine Learning to Classify Mobile App Reviews
App stores allow users to download and buy software apps, and share feedback on installed apps with star ratings and text comments. Based on app reviews, App developers can improve or maintain the apps by bug fixing, feature enhancement, and adding new functions. However, the vast number of user reviews with diversifying quality, and mixed sentiments in a review significantly affect the progress of the software maintenance and evolution done by developers. In this project, an automated approach is proposed to classify app reviews into four pre-defined categories, which helps developers maintain and evolve apps. Different machine learning algorithms are trained using different features from three extraction techniques: Text Analysis, Natural Language Processing, and Sentiment Analysis. After comparisons among all ML algorithms, it shows that the combined use of the feature extraction techniques achieves the most outstanding results (precision of 74% and a recall of 72%) with the Logistic Regression.
An AI Rope Skipping Coaching, Training Data Recording, and Social Sharing for Normal People and Sports Players
Recently, people pay more attention to weight and sub-optimal health issues. To address these issues, sports are effective methods. Due to the limited home space, Rope skipping that requires a small space and can be done individually is a good choice for Hong Kong people to play at home. Although there are many existing tools for evaluating sports performance like pedometer applications for monitoring running activities, there is no comprehensive tool for monitoring rope skipping training in the market. This project aims to develop a mobile application to provide auto Rope skipping counting and sports data recording functions for normal people, sports players, sports trainers, and judges. Also, to promote this sport and encourage people to build up regular sport behavior, this application provides a social media sharing function for users to share their training records and motive each other. The project introduces a multi-tracking point, markerless, single camera, mobile application for capturing the jumping action and calculating Jumping and Tripping.
Artificial Intelligence for Classical Music composition in different eras
Artificial Intelligence could bring music composition to another level with limitless possibilities as an assistant for human musicians or an AI musician itself. Living in a digital era, classical music plays a dominant role in commercial films, movie trailers, game soundtracks, and more. However, there are no existing works that generate classical music in different eras. To fill this gap, this project proposes an AI music generator for classical music. So that it would be possible for composers, musicians, or even non-specialists without prior knowledge of classical music theories and backgrounds could quickly compose classical music according to their favorite musical eras for many practical purposes. It uses generative models, i.e., Bi-LSTM and CNNGAN to compose classical music for some particular classical music genres and evaluate their performance respectively and collectively.
Object Imaging on Mobile Devices Utilizing Acoustic Signals
Object imaging by utilizing different kinds of signals is already not a recent topic, including optical signals (visible light), radio frequency signals [11, 12], and acoustic signals (human audible [3] and inaudible). In this project, a solution in the form of mobile application on iOS using 20 Hz-20 kHz acoustic signals will be designed, with machine learning and ultrasonic signal extension in the late stage. For the deliverable of this project, apart from the imaging system, an attack model and a gesture classification system are designed.
Finger Motion Tracking Using Acoustic Signals
Nowadays more and more people use and hold smart devices such as smart phones and these devices have become a part of people. However, in addition to using voice to control these devices, the more situations are interacting with them directly through touching. Therefore, in some cases, people find it more difficult to use these smart devices. For example, when the phone is occupied by putting it in the pocket, the user cannot touch the mobile phone directly, which means he cannot do the interaction with the phone such as answering the call or adjusting the volume. In this project, by tracking the user's finger motion to control the smart device, it can provide another interface to send the command as input to the computer.
A Comprehensive Learning Framework for Sampling-based Motion Planning in Autonomous Driving
Subject Areas
Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Data Analysis; Data Mining
To give a definition to an optimistic route and prepare a dataset containing those routes; To involve deep learning into points sampling process to speed up the searching of optimistic route; To involve user-experience and safety into route searching process to make pruning cut and speed up the process
Route planning problem has been a classic problem in the automatic driving area. With the development of computer vision and sensing techniques, automatic vehicles have gained the capability of capturing rich environment information for drive. However, how to utilize both internal and external information to plan an optimistic route is still not that satisfied. To produce an optimistic path, we are supposed to take user-experience, efficiency, accuracy and safety into consideration. Current state-of-the-art algorithms basically pay more attention to efficiency and accuracy, but they tend to ignore the importance of user-experience and safety. For instance, it is not desired that the vehicle drives at high speed in urban areas and with high angular velocity when road condition is bad (e.g. rainy days). Besides, the points used to construct the road are randomly sampled in the current algorithm. It may be time-consuming when some noisy points are selected and used to extend the path. We truly believe that with a learning algorithm involved in the sampling process, we are able to produce more high quality sampling points and thus eliminate the bad effect of useless points. Thus, I would like to focus on an automatic vehicle driving system that can take all these factors into account to provide an optimistic route planning algorithm.
Prediction Model for Stock Market
Investors are optimizing their algorithm and model on predicting stock movement since it is hard to estimate the future market dynamic, which is affected by different factors. Some examples are the foreign market news, the effects of correlated stocks, and government politics. Therefore, investors are now using different approaches, like fundamental analysis and technical analysis, with various sources of data. Therefore, this paper attempts to use another approach to predicting the stock price movement. Instead of telling how exactly the stock price increases or decreases, this paper aims to provide a probabilistic measure on whether the next day stock price increases or decreases by comparing with today's closing price. Investors can make a better buy/sell decision based on the score according to the risk that they can bear or the risk diversification strategy on their financial portfolio. Five stocks in the Hong Kong sector are selected to be the target stocks of the prediction.
Predictive Analysis on Football Match Result
Football has become one of the popular Sports in the World. Nowadays, this sports game has further developed rapidly with over billions of fans or audiences in the world. The big five football leagues in the world - Premier League, LaLiga, Bundesliga, Serie A and Ligue1 have many football fans concerned about how their supporting teams performed in the world. In this project, a predictive model is built to predict the ranking of different teams in the mentioned league of the coming season for the five leagues mentioned.
Contextual Learning in Recommender Systems
Recommender systems become a major component in almost every Internet system nowadays, such as Taobao, eBay, Amazon, TikTok. In this project, we will study recent advances in recommender systems. The project will focus on contextual recommendations. Here contextual information refers to various situational information, such as time, location, browsing history, that can influence user preference for items. The insurance recommendation would be mainly focused. Based on the user's personal information such as age, height, weight, BMI, habit, digital footprint, income and so on to recommend the most suitable insurance to the user.
Algorithms for data visualization
Although nowadays many frameworks do the data visualization, there is no framework for people who want to customize their data into the tree structure. Therefore, in this project, I am going to design the generic, compatible and optimized algorithms in order to represent the data in different tree structures.
Deciphering Bulk Tissue Cell Type Proportions with a Deep Learning
All cancers are caused by somatic mutations. A software tool will be developed to explain what processes may cause the somatic mutations. That will help to find potential therapy for cancer patients.