Direct Application - Admission Interviews

Admission Interviews

Direct Application - Admission Interviews

Question Do Applicants from Direct Application need to attend Admission Interviews?

  • We normally will invite applicants to attend admission interviews before making offers of admission into BSc Computer Science.
Admission Interviews


  • To identify students' motivation for taking our programme;
  • To evaluate students' suitability for our programme based on personal characters and non-academic performance; and
  • To identify what students have learned in HD/AD programmes.


  • To be arranged from early March to late May; and
  • Based on academic qualifications (HD/AD results), public examination results and other relevant qualifications.

Performance in Admission Interview

    • Offers to those applicants who already have met the programme entrance requirements (i.e., HD/AD graduates)
    • Conditional Offers to those applicants who are going to obtain a qualification that will be equivalent to the programme entrance requirements (i.e., current final year HD/AD students).
  • AVERAGE: Reserve list/Reject.

Admissions Interviews

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview. You may watch the video below to learn more about how to prepare for admissions interviews.